Stories of You Books. © 2018 Stories of You Inc.

stories from America's 
extraordinary hospices

Appearing in Early 2019
The Book
Collecting stories from thirty-five of America’s extra-ordinary hospices, Love, Loss, Legacy, & Life  offers a vivid glimpse into the gifts that hospice offers America and its families. 

From one hospice’s beautiful butterfly garden to another’s annual service of remembrance, from a volunteer’s unique way of bringing joy to a doctor’s wise and healing message, these are stories that capture the heart of what it means it live, love, serve, and be human. 

Though designed to serve the dying and their families, hospice organizations are places where the force of life is powerfully felt, where timeless legacies are created and celebrated, and where love proves again and again that it has no limits, boundaries or end dates. 

Joy, laughter, healing and rebirth are regular visitors to any hospice; beauty, selflessness, dedication, skill, reflection, strength, insight, and wisdom are powerfully felt as well. 

Love, Loss, Legacy, & Life demystifies hospice and its workings and acknowledges the transformative gifts and wisdom of those who serve in and around hospices. 

It is impossible to browse through these pages without feeling grateful, more inspired, and more alive.

Love, Loss, Legacy, and Life is edited by siblings Suzanne Fox and Andy Fox. A book industry veteran with over thirty years of experience in writing, editing and publishing, Suzanne is a regular reviewer for Publishers Weekly; the founder and editor of the online journal  Society Nineteen; the author of books including Home Life: A Journey Through Rooms and Recollections (Simon & Schuster); and an editorial, book structure and book marketing consultant who has worked for clients including the City of New York. With expertise in finance, systems, and leadership and effectiveness training, Andy's experience helping one of his twin sons through treatment for life-threatening cancer a special interest in both the work of healing institutions and the importance of expressing and preserving personal legacy. 
stories that connect
anthologies that endure
impact that transforms